In General Paediatrics we treat children, both inpatient and outpatient, up to the age of 16. We diagnose and treat many different non-surgical conditions including:
Minor abnormalities e.g. funny head shape, unusual birthmarks, soft dysmorphic features
Nutrition & Failure to thrive or concerns about growth
Common paediatric problems – failure to thrive, eczema, anaemia
Recurrent abdominal pain
Persistent loose stools / food intolerance
Bedwetting or daytime enuresis
Funny turns
Concerns about minor developmental issues
Asymptomatic cardiac murmurs:
Cardiac murmurs detected at newborn examination
Recurrent cough / noisy breathing
Asthma & Respiratory
Infectious Diseases
Bone mineral health
Acute medical complications – such as acute asthma, rashes and infections
Deteriorating patients
Medical complications of mental health problems
Unexplained medical presentations and perplexing illnesses
Working with the clinical site practitioner to ensure high quality care of the sickest patients on the wards in hospital admitted child/baby.
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